Volunteer for EARLIEST Shopping! 
(and because it’s fun!)
You don’t have to Volunteer to Consign with us! 162 Imperial Blvd. Hendersonville, Tn. 37075

VOLUNTEER Shifts will go LIVE

June 2024

Early Shopping Tickets go LIVE

June 2024

Volunteer Shift Options

  • $25 credit (to shop the very earliest time you have to sign up for mandatory sort (sort shift is Fri April 4th 9-3

    Shop SUNDAY March 30th

    11:30 am

    4 shifts plus 1 of 2 mandatory sorts equals to 80% consignor earnings and a $25 gift card you can use that day.

    One pass per person

    no strollers, carts, wagons,babies or children at volunteer or presale shop times

  • $15 credit (to get the $15 credit you will need to sign up for 1 of 2 sort shifts)

    Shop Sunday March 30th 2:00 pm

    Consignor perks- 2 shifts plus mandatory sort shift equals a 73% consignor earnings,

    $15 shopping credit,

    no strollers,carts,wagons,babies or children at volunteer or presale shop times

  • Shop Sunday March 30th 4:00 pm

    2 shifts

    This shop time is also for $50 ticket holders

    You can shop this time if you are not doing sort just pick 2 shifts and you can shop at 4:00 pm with no consignor perks

    no strollers,carts,wagons,babies or children at volunteer or presale shop times and one pass per person

  • 1 shift

    1 shift in person equals a Shop time Sunday March 30th at 5:45 pm

    1 barter shift or shop ticket is a shop time is 6:30 pm

    We would love for you to volunteer at the sale with us for 4 hours or you can also pick a barter shift! We usually have around 75-100 people who shop at the 1 shift shop time so you may want to consider 2 shifts

    one pass per person

    no babies or children at volunteer or presale shop times

    This is also the $25 ticket presale

Shifts are 4 hours.

Please No Children or Babies at Volunteer Shifts

Volunteer SHOP TIMES depends on how many shifts you sign up for.